Monday, August 08, 2005

Home of the Brave?

Native Americans are a proud people. Loyalty and honor are traits that most share. Some Native Americans are proud to have their names attached to schools or pro franchises...others are not. Especially in isolated places like North Dakota, the school name (the Fighting Sioux) is THE identity of the area.

I am a caucasian male, so I will probably never know what it may feel like to be directly offended by something of this nature. Personally, I would not name my team after something that I would consider offensive. When I hear teams that are referred to as "Seminoles" or "Braves," I think of a strong, courageous warrior. Those are characteristics that any team would want. Others may disagree.

The NCAA recently banned these "offensive" names from postseason events. Logos and names would be banned from uniforms and event venues. ESPN Article

What is "offensive" is that the NCAA can't figure out how to set a Division I-A football playoff system when all smaller divisions pull it off nicely. What is "offensive" is the low rate of student-athletes that graduate at the major sports level.

Chalk this up as another black eye (a bruise, not Indian face paint) on the face of the NCAA.


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